Thursday, January 19, 2023

Part -1 Troubleshooting vRA & vRO - Troubleshooting Services and PODs

Part -1 Troubleshooting vRA & vRO - Troubleshooting Services and PODs

The vRA and vRO Services and POD’s running on Kubernetes and useKubectl commands for getting information and troubleshooting.

Handling Namespaces

Listing the Namespaces

1. To get list of all the namespaces and their status below command can be used

Kubectl get namespaces


Handling Services

The vRA and vRO run under namespace called “prelude”


1. To get list of all the PODs and their status below command can be used

Kubectl get pods -n prelude


2. To get filtered list of all the PODs and status below command can be used
Syntax : Kubectl get pods -n prelude | grep -i podname

Kubectl get pods -n prelude | grep -i vco


Restarting Services

1. The Specific Service can be restarted using below command

Syntax : Kubectl delete pods -n prelude < Service Name>

Kubectl delete pods -n prelude vco-app-xxxxxxxxxxxxx


While its getting deleted the POD, it goes to terminating state and new POD for service will be created. To get list specific PODs and its status below command can be used.

Kubectl get pods -n prelude | grep -i vco

And now New POD initialize and goes to running state, To get list specific PODs and its status below command can be used.

Kubectl get pods -n prelude | grep -i vco

NOTE: Watch the uptime of the POD

The Dependencies Services
/opt/charts/ < service name>/templates

cd /opt/charts/vco/templates
ls -l


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